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Top 10 Most Expensive Celebrity Divorces - Part 2


This is the second part of the most 10 expensive celebrity divorces. To see the first, please click here. The list below reveals the top 5 expensive celebrity divorces.  

5. Neil Diamond and Marcia Murphey.
Neil Diamond and Marcia Murphey divorced in March 1995 after 25 years of marriage. Forbes reported that Marcia received $150 million, half $300 million estate that she owns with Murphy. Murphy said to People that he assumes responsibility for what went wrong, and Marcia got enough to live on for the rest of her life.  

4. Michael Jordan and Juanita Vanoy. 


Michael Jordan and Juanita Vanoy split in 2016 after 27 years of marriage. The couple were married in 1989 in Las Vegas. People reported that the divorce came as a surprise to their friends since they were seen spending time together in the days beforehand. The settlement reported is 168 million dollars.

3. Robert Johnson and Sheila Crump.

Robert Johnson and Sheila Crump divorced in 2002 after 33 years of marriage. The couple built their fortune together with BET, the company that Robert founded in 1980 which was sold , according to Fortune, to Viacom for 3 billion dollars. Sheila Crump received 400 million dollars.

2. Mel Gibson and Robyn Moore.

Mel Gibson and Robyn Moore split in 2006 after nearly 30 years of marriage. The couple have 7 children together and Robyn received half of funds Gibson earned during their marriage starting from 1980. The Settlement reported was $425 million.

1.      Rupert Murdoch and Anna Torv.

Rupert Murdoch and Anna Torv divorced in 1999 after 32 years of marriage. After only 17 days, Rupert got married to a 30-year-old woman called Wendi Deng. Rupert divorced from her again in 2013.
Anna Torv received 1.7 billion dollars.

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