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An Unconditional Love Story Between a Cat and a Dog

Sometimes coincidence creates incredible opportunities. In 2014, Cynthia Bennett and her boyfriend went to meet some puppies at an adoption event. Bennett initially wanted to adopt a golden retriever mix, but then Henry captured her attention.

Henry was only 3 and a half month old, but already was bigger than the other puppies of the same age. Its legs were long and its body type of a wolf. When Cynthia Bennett entered Henry’s pen, he just curled up into her lap, went belly up and flipped his head over her arm. That was the moment when she decides to take him with her.

Picture credit: henrythecoloradodog

Bennett and her boyfriend are avid hikers, they like mountains and outdoors so they moved to Colorado so they can go on adventures during the weekends. Amazingly, they were happy to discover that Henry loved going with them too.

“I think we only had him for three days when we took him on our first hike,” Bennett told The Dodo. “He found the steepest, tallest rock around, and he ran up to the top of it to look over the edge.” So they started to call him “our little mountain goat.”

Then, a few months ago, the couple wanted to extend their family. Bennett desired to rescue Kitten and she had looked for five months. She saw diverse kittens, but none of them really captured her attention. After a long search, Bennett finally found a Siamese kitten mix named Baloo at a local shelter. Exactly like Henry, Baloo attached himself to Bennett at their first meeting. Bennett knew instantly that she found what she is looking for.

        Picture credit: henrythecoloradodog

The striking incident is that Baloo felt immediately in love with Henry. Bennet said that the moment Baloo met Henry, he loved him, he wanted just to play with and snuggle with him. Not only that, but Baloo refused to be left behind when Henry went out for a hike. Bennett added, “If I touch Henry’s leash, [Baloo] will start screaming at the door,” Bennett said. “He’s very vocal.”

            Picture credit: henrythecoloradodog

Baloo and Henry have many things in common. Baloo also likes outdoors and Bennett started training him, but turned out to be his second nature. It wasn’t long until he started going with them on their trips.

Picture credit: henrythecoloradodog

Baloo normally, as a cat, is supposed to stay at home, but as Bennett stated, “He’s definitely not the kind of cat we can leave home alone on the weekend anymore,” Bennett thinks that Baloo thinks himself as more a dog than a cat. Furthermore, Bennett thinks that Baloo believes that Henry is his mom. Baloo constantly nuzzling under Henry’s armpit and find safety and refuge to be close to Henry.

The following pictures give you more insights about this love story. 
Image taken from Instagram

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